We are producers.
From our fields in Tierra de Pinares (Segovia) and Alentejo (Portugal) to you.
We have been producing berries during 20 years. We were the pioneers of adapting strawberry production to our lands in Segovia, and we selected varieties with exceptional features and the most innovatives techniques of production.
Our own berry production is complemented by raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and blackcurrants and a clear philosophy: Give to the market what Nature gives, without altering it.
A clean, zero-residue production.
20% of the production is organic.
We are environmentally conscious. We take care of you.
We have developed clean cultivation methods, using products that are harmless to humans and to nature. We use the absolute minimum fertilisers and synthetic components.
We don’t just protect our natural environment, but also increase the freshness of our fruit, at the same time as caring for our people while they perform their tasks in our fields.
We value the use of techniques like the use of biological control agents against pests, instead of using pesticides.
All our fruit (both conventional and organically grown) are certified by the relevant official organisations for the very highest quality standards. This includes the certificate for good agricultural practices for both products and personnel.
Production calendar
The fields where our crops grow lie in the gorgeous Tierra de Pinares, in the Carracillo area of Segovia, and in Southwest Alentejo and Vicentine Natural Park on the portuguese coast.
What we grow is sold throughout Europe. We adapt the packaging for every product to the client’s requirements, including compost in the packing materials we typically use.
If you want to find out more about our fruit production, please contact our sales team.
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